Monday, 8 June 2015

I'm Speaking at the International Mars Society Convention 2015!

It's been nearly a year since I worked on Martian Agora or updated this blog. I had a busy school year. I bet you thought I moved on from this project! Well I kind of did.

But I'm definitely back now, full swing, because I was accepted to speak at the International Mars Society Convention! It's in August 2015 in Washington DC. Speakers this year include: NASA directors, a former astronaut, authors, a Google VP, and me. I'm super flattered to be on the same speaking schedule as these people. Luckily the education software angle makes my topic really unique: "Inspiring Future Marsonauts with 3D Games Programming"

In my proposal, I think it helped lots when I said I'm a high school technology instructor. It shows I'm not a crazy person and that people trust me with kids. Something I'm usually hard pressed to prove ;)

I've had almost a year to reflect on Martian Agora and improve my skills. I also recently completed an online course about education games. So you can expect more Martian Agora updates this summer because I need to make this project the best that I can. I envision a major refactoring.

A special thanks to Robert Zubrin, the author of this Mars book. I judged it by its cover and bought it on a whim because it sounded neat, and it ended up channelling a lot of my creative energy.

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