Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Mars Project

The past couple years I've needed a major project on the go to be happy. This summer I will be working on a first person early Mars colony simulator built with Unity3D. I just started.

Tangent: I think it's a bad idea to talk about game mechanics and other ideas here before I've done the work to make them happen. Why is it a bad idea? Satisfaction is a currency for motivation, and the satisfaction I'd get from talking about my ideas is stolen from the satisfaction I'd get after completing them. So I'd be lowering the reward of completing my work. I'm going to avoid talking about what I will do and stick to what I have done.

So far I've used Blender to make 3D models for:
  • A hab.
  • An icosphere glass dome.
  • A weather balloon (with a spectacular inflation animation!)
  • And small tech greeble.
My Mars terrain is accurately made with real Mars data. I used heightmaps like this and the color textures here. I will build and test my game using Becquerel Crater. It was difficult accessing planetary data. For some reason I expected NASA and the scientific community to be more organized, modern, and centralized.

I sent a message to NASA asking for them to release their source code/project files for this game. It's built in Unity3D just like my game! I could really use their skybox. I expect no response, or a "no" in six months to a year. Maybe one day I'll get a job making education games like that?

Finally, I've made buttons that beep, and optionally find their closest door.

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